Saturday, 21 May 2011

** From Davy Jone's Locker **

On the 21st of May 2011 ..... me n my fwens went to JJ ipoh ..... the main plan was to see a movie ...
and what movie i hear you ask ..... welll it's none other than ......
yess ..... it's that movie ..... but before i talk more about PotC : OST ........ me and azzam got sidetracked as he wanted to see someone .... someone special ..... well ..... i just tagged along .... seeing that there is nothing else to do ..... hmmmm ..... it was great being their chaperone ... huhuhu ..... ate luch at KFC ..... then going bowling ..... i feel so happy for them ..... if only 'she' turned on her handset during bowling ..... i'll maybe get 0 marks .... hahaha ...... okeyh ..... back to the  main story .... so after seeing another masterclass from actor Johnny Depp .... i was captivated by the awesomeness of the story ...

 Edward teach .... the infamous Blackbeard .... this time we saw cpt. Jack Sparrow no longer in control of the Black Pearl .... as it was kept in bottle by Blackbeard .... so Jack had to be one of Teach's crew ..... Hahaha .... how horrid

Barbossa's back ... but he's missing somethin' .... maybe he's foot .... hahaha .... his foot was cut off by himself cause it was being held by one of the pearl's rope which was under the power of Teach ..... and now he's a privateer .... seeking revenge for his missing foot .... but his wooden leg comes in very handy .... as it is also a a bottle of rum ... hahaha

Kiera knightley is no longer the heroine in the pirates of caribbean ... she was replaced by the spaniard Penelope Cruz .... acting as the 'love' interest of Cpt. Sparrow .....
and here is the hero of the movie .... screaming like a little girl ... hahahaha

coclusion:really a must see movie of the season .... full-packed with action and comedy ..... bhahahaha

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